Friday, September 8, 2023

Sept Wrap Up

Our neighbor Lily is amazingly patient.  I think she is the one that should have had 6 kids.  I saw this mess and almost had a hear attack.  This picture doesn't even do it justice.  It was like all over the place!

I made all the kids go to Sea Quest.  There was a time in our lives where we would frequent places like this.  We are now growing out of this kind of stuff and have to come up with crazier things to do.  I had to slow the kids down because they were over it.

Quinton played indoor soccer.  He was pretty good and would score a bunch of goals.  He was always wanting to play goalie too.

This was a fun game.  BYU killed Utah.  It was like 6-0.

Jessa came with her whole team and sat with them instead of us!  I guess that was the whole point,.

Love this so much!  I'm going to miss this so much!

Shin splints all soccer season.  It was kinda a bust.  She couldn't play comp either.

Got Bode to sign his shirt and his shoes.  He wouldn't let me watch them for the longest time.  Finally I convinced him that it needed to be washed because it was starting to stink up his room and that just one wash wouldn't wash it off.  Now it is hanging up meticulously in his closet and he just uses a different jersey for his soccer games.


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