Showing Jayla off to the family the first day we brought her home.
In December of 2007 we were excited to announce that we had made the decision to adopt. We were so anxious to get started that we worked on our paperwork every free moment that we had. We were approved 3 months later towards the end of February. Four weeks later we received our first e-mail from Jayla’s birth mom, Chauntel telling us about herself. We were immediately touched by her strength during this time of uncertainty. She expressed her love for her little baby girl. We continued to e-mail back and forth a few times until a week and a half later we got a call from our caseworker stating that Chauntel had chosen us to adopt Jayla.
At first it didn't really sink in, at least not until we went to the agency to read the beautiful letter and package Chauntel had sent us. We read of her faith, love, hope, and dreams for this little girl. We felt a strong love for this Angel and her baby. We were so humbled that we would have a chance to become parents. We met Chauntel and her family one week later. The instant connection that we had with her and her family was unexpected and amazing. They made us feel at home as we laughed and cried together. We continued to e-mail until we got a long awaited phone call announcing that Jayla had been born.

We excitedly drove to the hospital and sat down in the waiting room. That was when it hit us. How do we show Chauntel the love that we feel inside for her and her baby? We became nervous because we wanted this to be perfect for her. We were then invited into the hospital room where we saw Jayla for the first time in her birth mother’s arms. The first thing Jayla’s birth mom said to us was, “Do you want to hold her?” She gently placed the sleeping baby in Kristen’s arms and our hearts melted as we inspected Jayla’s tiny fingers and toes never wanting to look away. Michael then got his chance to hold Jayla. He couldn’t get over how beautiful she was. We stayed for an hour longer. Although we knew that we would miss that perfect little baby girl, we wanted Chauntel to spend as much time as possible with Jayla.
A day later we traveled back to the hospital with our carseat in the back for the first time. How do you describe such an event of deep feelings and anticipation? The atmosphere in the hospital room was solemn and reverent. We expressed our love for Chauntel and her family as she caressed Jayla with a tear streaked face. We felt such strong emotions for this brave young woman. Kristen reassured them that we would always love that baby girl and they stated: “we know, that is why we choose you.” We cried with them as they said their goodbyes one by one by kissing the top of Jayla’s forehead. Then, we were alone with our baby for the very first time. We will forever be grateful for Jayla’s birth mother. She truly is our angel. Adoption has blessed us in so many ways. It has brought our families together all because of the love we all have for a certain little girl!