Kristen Talking
Some of my friends decided to go to Snow College after high school so I decided to tag along. I was a little skeptical when I first laid eyes on the tiny campus. I thought to myself that there had to be more to it. I thought I would give it a chance. At the first dance of the year I met Michael. He asked me to dance with him and I remember thinking if there were more guys like him around campus then this was going to be a great year! I gave Michael detailed instructions to my house, which were very easy to follow (to this day he claims that I gave him the wrong directions). Two months went by and no Michael. Finally he found me (by accident!) because one of my roommates was in his class.

Michael Talking
The last year of my mission my older brother was attending Snow College so I asked him to fill out an application for me and register me for classes. When I got home from my mission I found out that two of my closest cousins and a few of my friends from Green River were also going to go to Snow... now I had roommates. We all decided to go to the Snow College opening social for the first dance of the year. Toward the end of the dance I saw Kristen with her friends and thought to myself "I have to ask her to dance before I leave." So after waiting a few songs I made my way over to her and asked her to dance. She gave me her address and told me to come over and visit sometime. Later, I tried to go to the address she gave me but it didn't exist. I figured she gave me a fake address because she didn't want anything to do with me. As the semester continued I, unknowingly, became friends with one of Kristen's roommates. It was only a matter of time before we came together. We dated for just under 2 years before deciding to spend the rest of eternity together. And for the record, she really did give me the WRONG address.