Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Quinton 16 Months Old

Quinton is a BUSY boy!  He loves being outside and is learning new words everyday.  He knows many different signs and even makes up some of his own.  He is impossible during church and any drives in the car.  He is starting to speak his mind and will scream if anyone does something he doesn't like.  He goes CRAZY when dad gets home and is so excited to see him.  He weights 24.6 lbs.  and wears size 2T.  He takes 2 naps a day still and is a great sleeper.  He calls ALL animals and little babies "doggies." He eats a TON ALL the time!  He is a chubby little thing!  We love him so much, he is the cutest!

He love, love, loves the water.

He is a climber and I am just waiting for him to fall and break his arm.

Getting ready to say a prayer.

His toes are poking out at the end of his pajamas and he kept putting his cracker between his toes.

He gets into everything that he isn't supposed to touch.  His favorite is to climb up on the dishwasher when I am trying to load it.

Outside, rocks, water, and dirt...this kid doesn't need much more than that.

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