Thursday, February 9, 2017


At the dinner table Jayla was explaining how Mikey was throwing up this morning.
Michael: "Ok, lets not talk about throw up at the dinner table."
Jayla: "Why?"
Michael: "Because its inappropriate to talk like that when we're eating."
Kellan: "Let's talk about penises and privates."
One of those parenting moments when it is so epic you have to turn your head and hide your excessive laughing behind your hand before you can explain why that is oh so completely inappropriate.

Mom: "Mikey and Kellan.  You guys need to start cleaning up the toy room."
Kellan:  Starts singing..."Its a hard knock life for us.  It's a hard knock life for us...."

Kellan: "I'm going to turn into a Ninja Turtle and bite you mom!"
Kellan: Later that day...."Sorry for kicking you.  Ninja turtles don't bite their Ninja turtle moms."

Kellan: "Nobody touch my book I'm going poop."  He then walks to the bathroom, makes a u-turn and comes back to take his book to the bathroom.  We teach them young.

Mom:  "Mikey you can be anything you want to be if you work hard.  You are awesome!"
Kellan:  "I can kill monsters and poop."
Mom:  "Good job Kellan.  You can do hard things too."

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