Saturday, January 12, 2013

Christmas Break

Christmas Morning at our house

The girls were a little hesitant to dive in when they saw all the presents.  They weren't quite sure what to make of all of them and they weren't sure if they were actually for them.  How do you like Jayla's pajamas?  She has been into wearing my clothes lately and wanted to wear one of my old shirts to bed. 


I think that the girls liked their socks the best.  Next year I should just buy them candy for Christmas.


I love this picture of Jayla trying to turn on her new electric toothbrush on. That picture is classic.


Jessa didn't waste anytime crawling through the tunnels on her way to the castle.  It was so much fun seeing them get all excited and how Jessa was mostly excited about all the gum that was stuffed in her sock.


Christmas with Michael's Family

After we had our early Christmas at our house we traveled the 6 1/2 hours to Michael's parent's house in Utah.  I have the best family!  I love Michael's side of the family.  They are so good to us and they completely adore Jayla and Jessa.  Love these two!


When we got to grandma's house we were able to go see Santa Claus!  I was so surprised that the girls weren't scared at all!  They loved Santa Claus and he was so good with the girls.  They even got a treat bag from him.  They were so excited for him to come bring them the rest of their presents!

 This is the typical wrestling least this time it was only 3 brothers instead of all 9 of them including a grandpa.  I love that little Owen wanted to get in on the action too.

 This little guy was Jessa's best friend.  She always had his leash in one hand and a piece of candy in the other.  When Jessa didn't have him on a leash Duster was following Jessa around snuggling up to her.  I think they both loved it.

 Our favorite is always when we get to make gingerbread houses.  Jessa was very meticulous about her house and she was so excited that she got to do most of it herself.

This was Jayla's master piece...after a little help from her mama.

My girls are so loved by their family.  Uncle Justin was rocking Jessa to sleep.  This was Jessa pretending to be asleep when she saw that I was taking a picture of her.  I was almost fooled.


Aunt Jamie is the best aunt ever!  She played outside with the kids for hours.

 Jayla and Jessa LOVED the snow.  They had so much fun rolling in it and being pulled around on the sleds.

I like this picture because I saw her just flop right on her back into the pile of snow.

I love these girls!!

We always play lots of games whenever we get together.

I told these guys that I wanted a NICE picture, but this was all that I could get out of them.  Why am I not surprised!

 The rest of the crew getting busy making their designs.  It is always fun to see what people come up with.


 Grandpa never disappoints.  This year he made a bug farm.

This one was by Brent, but it totally reminds me of New Mexico with all of the hot air balloons during the fiesta.

This is a picture of all the grandkids, plus a few aunts and uncles helping to hold down the fort.  These little people are the reasons why we do what we do and why Christmas time is so magical.

 On Christmas Eve grandma and grandpa prepared a fantastic nativity for us all to enjoy.  They even gathered costumes for the little kids so that we could act out the story of Christ's Birth.  I think all the adults had just as much fun seeing all the cute little kids dressed up trying to act the part.

The cutest little wise man that I have ever seen.

 This was all the kids coming up the stairs Christmas morning to see what Santa had brought them.  Not sure if they were all that awake just yet.

 It was fun seeing what everyone got for Christmas and the girls were pretty excited to play with their new toys that Santa brought them.  We all had a lot of fun opening more presents!




So every year at least one person get a T-shirt with a funny saying on it.  It is a tradition that I'm not sure when and how it got started, but it makes things pretty fun.

Christmas at Kristen's House

After spending Cristmas morning with Michael's family we traveled the 2 hours to Kristen's house where were able to see what Grandma Claus had brought us all.  And it looked like Grandma Claus had been very busy!  I was so excited to see my sister Britt and her family and my brothers with their cute families!  It was so fun, but I wish that we got more time with them before the flew back to Chicago.

 Jess was pretty excited that she found a present for me.  I think that she was more excited giving presents to everyone else than opening her presents.

 My brother Nathan's kids!  They are so sweet and are so good with Jayla and Jessa.  They are always playing with them and making sure that my girls are having fun.


Just sitting around talking with the family.  And my Michael is looking pretty good I might add. Yummy.

The next day we all went bowling.  It was the first time for Jayla and Jessa.  They actually did pretty good.

 We were pretty excited that we got to visit Great Grandma and Great Grandpa.  Jayla and Jessa warmed right up to them and it was fun hearing all their stories.

These two little girls were inseparable.  They had so much fun playing with each other during the Christmas Break.

So Michael gave me a Nexus for my birthday, but I'm pretty sure that my girls have played with it more than I have.  And they know exactly how it works already.

While we were in Utah we were able to visit with some long lost friends.  Michael went to graduate school with these two.  They all became great friends and we miss them a lot.  We all started the adoption journey together, so we have all shared a lot of memories together, both good and bad.

Since living in New Mexico we don't get a lot of snow, so we took full advantage and took the girls sledding.  They had a lot of fun!  I thought that they might be scared to go down the hill, but the LOVED it and they kept begging for more!

They gave grandpa quite the work out making him pull them up the hill each time.

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