Sunday, January 12, 2014

Kellan: 9 Months Old

Kellan now weights 17 lbs. 12 oz.  He takes 2-3 naps a day.  He usually sleeps from 7:30pm-6:30am. He loves baby food but can't do table food yet.  He can walk along furniture and let go for a few seconds.  He loves playing with his tongue and imitating his sisters.  He is going on his 5th hair cut. He barely makes it through sacrament meeting and we have to walk the halls with him for the remainder of the meetings.  His favorite toy right now is his flashlight and he still loves his stuffed animals.  We have to put him down with one to keep him company.  He is friendly and is starting to get more stubborn.  He loves to be independent already and make his own choices.  He loves getting kisses and he loves giving slobbery ones right back.  He gets really excited when Michael comes home.  When Kellan sees Michael for the first time after work Kellan grunts every time his daddy looks away; trying to keep his attention until daddy is able to play with him. He has 8 teeth.  He made is first sign for "sleep" yesterday.

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