Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Vacation

Festival of Lights

We went to go see all the lights a couple of days before Christmas with our cousins and aunts and uncles.  We had a few of our favorites.  The princess castle was the highlight of the whole trip.

Polar Express
We went on the Polar Express. We had treats, hot chocolate, sang Christmas Carols, visited with Santa's elves...and finally we got to see Santa himself.  Jessa was so scared of Santa and was not that thrilled when he tried to hug her.  Jayla was pretty amazed that Santa remembered her and called her by name.  She told me that she thought he was the real Santa.  It was really fun because the train went right past my dad's house that he grew up in along with their old barn and farm land.  We had a lot of fun!

Visit with Jayla's Birth Family
We had a good visit with Jayla's birth family over the Christmas holiday.  They are so awesome and it was so great seeing them again.

We took all of the kids sledding.  They had so much fun and the best part was when they would wreck on the hill.  I don't think anyone ever made it down the hill all the way before they would all wreck.


Christmas Day

Every time we visit my house Jayla has to help grandpa make his juice concoctions in his juicer.  She told him that she is a good helper so she likes to help him.  W

All of us gathered around to open gifts from each other.
Jessa was really excited about opening presents.  She got some jewelry and a cute frog from her grandpa.
Jayla, being caught up in the moment, was opening a present from her grandpa.

 Kellan wasn't that into opening presents, but he was pretty excited to play with what was inside of them.

Grandpa and Grandma were able to come visit. They were having fun playing with baby Kellan and the rest of the kids.

 These little boys were having so much fun trying to figure out the vacuum.  They kept trying to figure out where all the air was coming out of.

Salt Lake City

We went up to Salt Lake on the train to see all the lights around Temple Square and we went to the Cedar Creek Mall with all the cousins.  The kids really liked the train ride and Jessa kept asking if Santa was going to be on this train.  She was a little disappointed that there was no Santa this time.

Christmas at Michael's House

Jason got back from Ireland a couple weeks ago so he got to meet Kellan.  So far they are getting to be good friends.  It is so great having him back.
A bunch of the cousins...they had a lot of fun together as usual.

This was the family opening all of the family gifts.  All the kids would surround the couple who were opening their gifts.  They were all so excited to see what was inside.

All the kids got "Stuffies" from Grandma and Grandpa this year for Christmas.  Every single one was different and they were a big hit.  The girls have had to sleep with them every night.
We were able to get a picture of the whole family. Everyone was there except for Uncle Justin.  We have a pretty good looking family.

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