Monday, December 25, 2023


We watched Brian and Emily's kids for a bit while they were off on a vacation together.  They came to the ward Christmas party with us.

Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus were looking good this year, trying to look old.  Lol.  Not working for them so much!  Always good to see friends every year.

Opening the cookie package that grandpa put together. This is the best because I don't have to bake any cookies!

Don't ask me what all the balls are supposed to be in that inconspicuous spot with a glob of frosting.  I'll just let you use your imagination.
Christmas morning.

Quinton usually doesn't waste anytime digging into things, so we have to make sure we are ready for him.  Each kid gets their own box to haul all their "crap" I mean gifts to their rooms. 

I was surprised with how excited the girls got over their Ulta and Sephora Haul!  Thank you social media and teaching these girls to spend all their money on skin care items the don't need!  But they love it!!

The Nintendo Switches were a hit and still are months later!  They were super surprised and excited.  Idk how we can top that for next year?  We are going to have to get creative I suppose.

She wore this sweatshirt everyday.  Hadley and Brexlyn all got the same matching one.  She said it will be worth it because she is going to wear it every year. LOL.  I'm going to hold her to it.

Lost his first tooth!  Its only downhill from here.

This is Lucas and this is me.  He brings home 5-7 random drawing from school every day.  He must finish his work early and turn to drawing.

Working my butt off with my friend Stacey Fletcher collecting stories of racism.  We were killing it!  I was so burnt out.  It was a ton of work.

Jessa's choir concert.  What a cutie!

Idk don't ask.  HE was supposed to be getting ready for church and this is what I came home to after ward council.

They are such good brothers to help each other out.

Making the kids slow down and do mindless crafts and cookie decorating.  I need this slow pace for a few weeks.

We made gingerbread house at Brian and Emily's house.  It was a good time.  These kids are pretty creative, but before we even got them home, they were destroying their houses and eating all the candy off their houses.  Kellan made sure to create a food storage and a garden of candy for his house, to save for later.

The girls still like their vanities.  I guess it was a good purchase.

Quinton lost a bunch more teeth with a snaggle tooth in the middle.  He looked like a Jack 'O Latern!  His smile was the best!

Lucas is getting so good at getting ready for church by himself..



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