Tuesday, May 30, 2023

May Happenings

Last time Mikey and Kellan will play together. Dropped Kellan down to his own age group and Mikey will be playing AYSO and other sports instead.  Bitter sweet, but I guess its what's best for them.

End of a great season for these girls. We have an awesome team.

Just putting together some pictures for Luca's wedding album someday.  I have lots of these kids of pics of him.LOL

Got to go see The Little Mermaid with RISE Academy.  It was magical.  I heard and saw this sweet little Black girl in the theater telling everyone to be quiet.  LOL. It was magical.

Yeah. Trying to keep him off of these things with his broken arm has been a challenge...the little butt.

End of year RISE Academy party at the Tracey Aviary.


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