Friday, January 4, 2019

The Big Move to Utah

We finally feel like we have settled in and have adjusted to our new life here in Utah.  The move to Utah was a very stressful time and it put a strain on our family to move so quickly, but we feel incredibly blessed by how everything seemed to workout.  First of all, Michael got a really great job offer, which we weren't expecting at all. We were number 19 on a waitlist for a 4 bedroom apartment and it became available just in time for us to move in.  When looking for houses we found a "for sale by owner" on a house large enough for our big family and then some.  It was the very first house we looked at and we kept coming back to it.  It was within 10 minutes of work and in the most diverse school district we could find aside from Salt Lake County.  It was perfect!!  We have been really enjoying our house and being so close to family!  The move has also given us a renewed hope that we will be able to close our adoption journey with the adoption of one more baby. Here's to hoping!!

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