Sunday, April 1, 2018

Terrible Twos

So, 5 kids later it dawned on me why they call it the terrible two's.  I always thought it was just becuase of the fit throwing, but this little guy puts a whole new spin on things.  He is a tornado and gets into everything.  For the first time ever I am constantly worried about the safety of my toddler.  We have had to baby proof on a whole new level.  Adding locks, changing locks around, making sure we know where this little guy is at all times.  One of his favorite things to do is to play in the garage, so we had a good session of baby proofing for when he escapes the locks.  He keeps me hopping, but he soooo incredibly adorable and has his siblings wrapped around his little finger.  They are all so nice to him...I keep expecting them to get mad at him and retaliate, but they never do.

He knows how to turn on the T.V. and then he just pushes buttons until a cartoon comes on.  He is obsessed with Boss Baby and I really think he would just sit all day and watch it over and over if I were to let him.  I have had to hide the remotes by the way.

Stole this out of the fridge all by himself and then wouldn't give it up.  He loves him some cucumber.


Making snow angels in my cookies and cream hot chocolate mix.  And I was so excited to try it out!  This is just a regular day in the life of Quinton.

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