Monday, August 28, 2017


Jayla told me this is how she is going to go grocery shopping when she grows up and has a bunch of kids like me.  The best part is she is wrestling with Quinton trying to keep him from taking all the animals out of the cart...hummm...where have I seen this scenario before...I can't quite put my finger on it.Lol

Mikey: "Jessa, I'm going to marry you when I'm big."
Jessa:  "Ewww! Gross!

Mikey:(spots a man out the window of the car with long hair and exclaims, "Its a girl boy!"
Kellan: "NO its a Tom Boy."
They were very insightful.

Michael had to pin Kellan down to cut his fingernails because he was fighting back so hard.  Kellan starts crying and says, "How am I going to get my boogers out!"

Kellan: Can someone get Ranch in my mouth?  Just squirt it in there.

Mikey:  Whoa!  My muscles are as big as mom's muscles!!!
Yeah...that's boy is super proud of his mom muscles!

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