Saturday, March 25, 2017

Quinton: 12 Months Old

Quinton is a climber.  He climbs the stairs on the outside of the banister and he climbs up on the table.  I foresee broken bones in his future.  He is getting a strong personality.  He gets annoyed now if anyone tries to kiss him and he yells at them.  He is a momma's boy and whenever I am gone he goes all over the house looking for me saying, "mom."  He isn't a huge giggler, but Kellan can really get him to laugh.  He loves to hide under a blanket with Jessa and play with her.  Jayla will get him things and change his diaper.  Mikey wrestles with him, which he doesn't like at all.  He also eats a TON.  He is going to be huge and wears 18-24 month clothes.  He is almost as big as Kellan now.  Quinton loves attention and he loves to play with toys and get into things that he isn't supposed to.  He takes two naps a day for about 2-3 hours each.  He is patient usually and sometimes we don't even know that he is awake because he is so quiet just hanging out in his bed.  He gets really excited when we put him in the car and he loves going to the park and playing in the sand.  

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