Thursday, January 26, 2017

Quinton: 10 Months Old

Quinton weights 21.8 lbs and wears 12-18 month clothes.  He is mostly growing out of taking a 3rd nap, but still wants one every once in a while.  He can stand in the middle of the room for a few seconds.  We are teaching him baby sign language to help him communicate better...he has started to growl at us when he want something, so hopefully the sign language will help him.  He can sign sleep and all done.  He is into everything already.  He is getting pretty good with his sippy cup.  He loves to get into the dishwasher when its open and get into the cupboards.  His favorite is destroying the blinds lately.  All of our blinds have to be opened because he goes straight for them.  He gets really excited to go places and giggles when we put him in his car seat.  He loves to interact with others and loves to be held.  He is a snuggler, which is really fun. The kids still can't get enough of him!

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