Monday, September 12, 2016

Quinton's Adoption Finalization

We were so excited to finalize Quinton's adoption!  We had the same judge that finalized Kellan's adoption, but he didn't remember us.  We are grateful that we had an amazing lawyer who was able fix all the legal mistakes the Nevada agency made, so things went smoothly!

We took Quinton to the temple. We basically make promises with God.  And if we keep our our end of the deal, then he will keep his; and get to live together forever with our Heavenly Father. 

I love this boy so much!  He has my heart and soul.  I would do anything for this sweet little face.

We had so much family here to support us and they were all excited to celebrate this special day and this special boy!  We have an amazing family!

He grew out of his suit, so you can see some belly hanging out.  He grew faster than I anticipated.

He's getting good at posing.

Afterwards was some good cousin time.  Seth and Kellan were so worn out they both crashed on the floor.  They played hard together.

Spending some time with grandpa

Quinton fell asleep and left a huge drool puddle on grandma, but he was pretty exhausted from the day.


Quinton is a stud in his walker, but it is his dream come true to have someone walk him around the house.  He was smiling away as Uncle Jason was walking him around the living room.

Like always I wish I could have taken more pictures.

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