Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Jessa: Dad can you bring me another french toast?
Mikey: Ask mom.

Jessa: Hey, look there's a butterfly... Nope, that's a spider!
Jessa: Ewww, a dead cockroach. Oh, its just a craisin.

We were crossing the street to get to church and when we got to the other side Kellan exclaimed, "Mom, we didn't die." Glad nobody died.

Michael was telling the kids about his mission.  He was telling everyone about how they get Preparation day or "P-day" once a week.  Kellan started giggling when he heard this, then he says, "No, Poo-Day."  He thought it was so funny!

*Mikey and Kellan standing at the toilet together*
Mikey: Kellan, let's make an X together with our pee.
*Kellan refuses to let streams cross*
Kellan: No, I want to make an I.

Mikey: This isn't spicy to me.  This is spicy to my tongue.

*Mikey and Kellan playing superheros together*
Mikey: I'm Superman! (flexes arms)
Kellan: I'm Jesus, (pokes Mikey in the chest) you're dead.
Mikey: Awwe. (drops arms)

Kellan: Dad you're a cactus!
Dad: Quinton is a cactus.
Kellan:  No, you're not Quinton. *gently stroking Quinton's head* No, you're not a cactus.  Dad, you're a cactus!

Dad: Kellan your pants are inside out.
Kellan: No they're not, just the tag is.

Kellan: Can I have more candy?
Mom: No, if you eat too much candy you won't get big and strong.
Kellan: Yes I will!
*Later that day Kellan is lifting a big toy as he cleans up the living room*
Mom: Oh, wow!... You're so strong!
Kellan: See! I told you candy will make me big and strong!

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