Sunday, August 28, 2016

Quinton 4.5 Months

This little guy is still the celebrity of the house.  We keep waiting for his status to wear off, but if never does.  He is super smiley all the time is a pretty mellow baby most of the time.  He likes to scream to get attention and wiggles like crazy!  

He has newly discovered hair and faces and loves to pull, poke, and grab it all.  The kids think its funny.

And he is our first finger sucker.  We typically swaddle our babies to prevent this, but this guy was such an awful sleeper we caved. 

He smiles all the time, although he isn't a big giggler still.

Dad putting him to sleep.

He loves sucking on his feet.  His socks are always wet.  He gets really excited when he can suck on his bare feet.

He has been slobbery lately.  We are starting to wonder if he is getting teeth.

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