Sunday, June 1, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

 We had a Happy Mother's Day at our house a couple weeks ago.  The girls went in and woke up daddy and asked if they could help him make breakfast for mom.  Then they brought me breakfast in bed and helped me eat all of my bacon.  Michael was explaining to the girls that on Mother's Day mom gets to relax and she gets the day off and that the kids need to help out today.  Jayla then asked, "So when is Kids Day?"lol.   Even my baby Kellan got into it by calling me "Mama" a lot more than usual.  Then I got to see Jayla and Jessa sing at church.  Jessa kept waving and Jayla kept giving off a shy smile.  I pretty much lost it when Jessa pointed right at me when they were singing the words, "God gave me you."  I am so grateful for a husband that worked hard in making this a special day.  I love him so much.  I felt very blessed to have an amazing husband and to be the mama of 3 beautiful, sweet kids!  They are my world and I love being their mom.  I have the best job ever!

Over the last six and a half years we have gone through much struggle, loss, and heartache in trying to grow our family.  One of the most painful things that we have experienced so far in this life was feeling the loss of being told that we will never get pregnant and wondering if we would ever be parents.  During that time, on most days, it took all my strength just to get out of bed and get dressed.  I felt like a Zombie just barely functioning.  Going to work every day to take care of sweet babies in the NICU felt like an impossible task.  But, amid all the saddness I was able to become a mom.  Each time that I held my babies for the first time as their mom I felt such an immense joy overshadow that pain. That joy has grown over time and keeps growing as the love for my children grows each day.  Because of all the struggle that comes with infertility and adoption; I feel that I love my kids that much more and I am a better mom because of it.  I know that I definitely appreciate them more and love them more because of everything we have been through.  I would never trade them for the chance to have a biological kid who looks like me... not EVER.  I am so grateful that I will never have biological kids, because these are the kids that the Lord wanted me to have all along, and in Jessa's words, "I love them more than ice cream!"

1 comment:

Bri & Em said...

I love your post! You are the greatest mom & your kids are so lucky to have you!