Monday, April 21, 2014

Kellan: 12 Months Old

Kellan weights 19.2 lbs.  He can say "Hi, dad, dada, baba" (a.k.a bye bye), mo mi (more milk), mama, ba (ball).  He imitates a lot of sounds but he hasn't learned any new words.  He still signs sleep, milk, eat, more, all done, baby, and we are working on a bunch more.  He folds his arms for the prayer. He loves watching baby signing time, playing basketball, and playing with his sisters.  Now that it is warm he loves to be outside exploring.  He loves puppies, bath time, swinging, going down slides, giving hugs, dancing, and big people food.  He laughs whenever I dance.  He is learning how to use his sippy cup.  He rarely drinks his bottle now a days and he only eats baby food if he is really hungry.  He loves french fries and oranges. He loves to swim in the hot tub and toss his ball around.  He is so sweet and is so happy most of the time.

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