Sunday, February 9, 2014

Kellan: 10 Months Old

Kellan weights 18 lbs 3 oz.  Kellan still prefers crawling over walking but he walks along furniture all the time and can stand for long periods of time.  He knows the signs for milk, sleep, and eat, but he doesn't understand that he can ask for them when he wants.  He is getting better at his sippy cup and loves juice.  He is starting to not want his baby food, instead he just wants whatever we are having off of a regular plate.  He is weaning off his third nap, so he gets a little grumpy in the evenings.  He would do better if he would sleep in, but he is wide awake by 6am every morning.  He is starting to get picky with what we feed him and some things he will refuse to eat.  He is still a really happy kid...unless he is sick, then he needs to be held and comforted a lot.  Kellan LOVES the tub and he loves splashing in it like crazy.  He loves to explore on his own and he is loving balloons right now.  He has discovered faces and tries to pull your eyelashes out or rip your nose off.  He has learned the "chase game"  where either me or Michael chases him as he tries to crawl away. His favorite game by far is "peek-a-boo."  He knows who "Dada" is and is starting to make mama sounds but doesn't call me that yet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my what a cutie! I can't believe how big he is getting! He has more teeth than Will :) We miss you guys!