Monday, July 24, 2023

Lava Hot Springs

This was such a fun vacations.  We got an airbnb and went to the hot pools in lava hot springs.  It was a warm night, so we didn't stay long, but it wiped everyone out.  They thought it was pretty cool that we were staying at an airbnb.

They all wanted the SpongeBob popsicles and of course those ones were the most expensive one.  Can you see Lucas shoved his entire popsicle in his mouth, including the stick?!  This boy loves his food!  And they all got their popsicles at the same time! I'm saving up for the teenage munchies as we speak.

Chilled at the park for one of the nights and caught a movie.  It ended up being an expensive little staycation, but I guess everything is expensive when you have this many kids.

The 5 oldest and I signed up for ziplining.  Lucas was too little and Michael was too scared to try it all out!  The ziplines were fun, but the obstical course was the scariest.  You felt too free up high.  Nobody was too excited about that part, but everyone loved the ziplines.  They were all pretty brave and didn't seem nervous about any of it!  This was a blast and made the whole trip!

Mikey and Kellan hanging upside down!  Yup nobody was scared at all!  They were having a blast!  So glad we did this!

Jessa and Jayla attempting to go upside down. LOL

You go faster if you go with someone, so they would try to pair people up.
I got paired with Quinton and the second he could he went upside down. Lol.  He was giggling the entire time!

They love it when I take a picture every 30 seconds.

Oh my what a freaking cute boy!  I just can't!!

Mikey and Kellan going together.


This was the worst.  Quinton was scary on this because he kept unhooking himself.  I thought Michael was going to have a heart attack on the ground.  I was trying to keep up with him and not fall at the same time.

Everyone tried the rock climbing, we were also raised by a crane and bungy jumped off the top.  I forgot how high it was, but that part freaked me out and I was too scared to jump on count 3.  I thought they were going to have to push me, but all the kids were too trusting and acted like it was no thang!

This was another adventure.  Rafting down the river is usually a leisure activity and people bring their beers, but of course it wasn't that for us.  Keeping all these kids in their tubes and from not being runover by other tubes and scraping up their bodies was more stressful than it was worth.  I think Michael almost had a panic attack when Quinton got too far ahead and we couldn't get to him.  If you don't get out of the river at a certain spot, then you just keep going and the rapids just get bigger.  I don't think Michael had very much fun.  But the rest did...most of the time.

The heated swim pool was awesome. I call this his mad scientist picture.  I'm totally using this for his wedding video!  When I think of the pure joy of childhood, I think of this picture.  I just love that I was able to capture this!

These boys have awesome big sisters!

Quinton would go off the diving board until his arms didn't work anymore.  The life guards had to tell him to take a break so he wouldn't get too tired.  Then the crazy kid went off the high dive!

Nobody liked the slides as much as I thought they would.  They kinda ate your swimsuit, so I imagine that is why.

Jayla, Jessa, Kellan, Mikey, Quinton, and I jumped off the shortest high dive.  It was freaky!! Naw.  I'm good with not doing that again!  The kids all did it several times.

Warn out!  For a minute at least.  Keeping track of these kids at this place was hellacious.  Quinton was the only one who was scary because he has no fear!  He is CRAZY!  This was such a great trip and really got the adrenaline going.


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