Sunday, December 8, 2013


We went all over the place for Thanksgiving.  We started off in Utah and then we headed for Nevada.  We spent a couple of days at my house in Utah so we could visit with my family. What a sweet grandma.  She loves her grand babies.

This was the first time my little sister was able to meet our sweet baby Kellan.

It is always great fun wrestling with grandpa.

Our little Kellan is growing up so fast!  He was walking around the living room the whole time pushing this little bike.

 Jayla we helping little Kellan ride around on the baby bike.  He was having so much fun...obviously.


Jessa loves her some grandpa. She helped him stoke the stove.

Kellan was so tired that night.  He slept pretty well, even with not being in his own bed.

Family picture...except we are missing Uncle Matt.

On our way to Nevada we stopped by the Salt Flats.  It was the first time that any of us had been there.  It was crazy to see nothing but salty sand for mile and miles.

Michale's family when we finally made it to Nevada.

This was when Jessa saw Owen for the first time.  They were hugging eachother and Jessa kept giving Owen kisses.  These two love each other so priceless.

Some of the family.  Uncle Tom thought he was hillarious taking a picture of me at the same time.

All of the kids had a blast playing in the mud.  Jessa and Cloey (the girl in the striped shirt) got into a "my daddy" fight.  This is the only part of the conversation we were able to catch.

Jessa: "Well my daddy has a hammer."
Cloey: "Well my daddy has 2 hammers."
Jessa:"Well my daddy has bigger muscles."

Pretty sure that Jessa won that round. many pies does it take to feed all these people?  Not sure...but it takes A LOT!

Jayla was showing me some tricks she learned on the swing set.  She's got on her serious face.

Deanne and Kellan getting in some good tickling and smiles.  My kids are so lucky so have so many amazing aunts and uncles who love them so much!

Playing in the backyard with cousins at Uncle Kevin's house.

More cousin love.

This picture is my favorite!  Its straight from Grease Lightning.

Not sure why all the kids go crazy and attack all the uncles whenever they are spotted, but at  least everyone loves it.

Kellan loved Uncle Kevin.  Kellan was being a bit of a mama's boy with being sick and he didn't want to go to anyone else except his Uncle Kevin.

The reason we had Thanksgiving in Nevada was to celebrate this woman on her birthday and the legacy she left behind.  She has 82 grandkids and 65 great grandkids...and almost all of them were there at her birthday party.  Jayla felt really special because her middle name was given to her after her Grandma Mae.

Jayla wrote Grandma Mae three different notes and Grandma was very touched.  Jayla loves her so much.

This little boy was such a trooper.  He got pretty sick and was throwing up and his diapers were not able to keep up with him, but by the day of the party he was feeling a lot better.

Some pictures of Grandma and Grandpa when he was still alive.

That Jamie girl is so sweet!  We kinda like her and my kids like her a lot.  They are a good judge of character.

I thought this was a cute picture of Kellan playing with daddy.  He loves for us to kiss his hands.

Jessa, hamming it up for everyone...just the usual.

All the little kids thought that it would be fun to gang up on grandpa and attack him with the balloons.  I'm pretty sure I know who instigated that one.

Some of the cute boys...I love all the many cousins that our kids get to play with.

This girl is the best big sister ever.  She takes such good care of Kellan and she is always worried about him.  She is such a great help to me.

More fun with Uncle Tyson.

Grandpa enjoying some good cuddling time with baby Kellan.

My kids have a pretty awesome grandma.

It was time for Great Grandma Mae to blow out the candles and it was just a mosh pit of little kids everywhere.

AWWW...the newlyweds. 

Uncle Brent and Jessa.

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