Monday, December 9, 2013

Kellan: 8 Months Old

Kellan weighs 17lbs 6 oz.  This little baby thinks he is so big.  He tries to climb up on things already.  He is walking along furniture and he has now mastered how to get down from a standing position to crawling.  He usually gets down by slowly doing the splits...very entertaining to watch.  He takes 3 naps a day still.  He doesn't seem to be growing that fast right now.  He still fits in some of his 6 month clothes and his 9 month clothes are still little big on him.  We have started teaching him sign language, but so far he just thinks that it is a game.  He loves to splash in the tub and he is becoming more stubborn.  He gets really upset when you take something away from him that he isn't allowed to have . He doesn't like those baby puffs, but he really likes to suck on cheerios.  He really loves looking in the mirror and he sure loves his sisters.  He is still as sweet as ever. 

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